
Copying a Region

You can quickly copy a region by clicking the Copy icon on the Page Definition. The Copy icon resembles two small overlapping pages.

Description of pg_def_copy_ico.gif follows
Description of the illustration pg_def_copy_ico.gif

When you copy a region, you also have the option to copy the button and items within the region.


You cannot copy a Tree region since this type of region encompasses more than one region.

To copy a region:

  1. Navigate to the Page Definition. See "Accessing a Page Definition".

  2. Under Regions, click the Copy icon.

    The Copy Region Wizard appears.

  3. For Region to Copy, select the region you want to copy.

  4. For To Page:

    1. To Page - Select the page to which you want to copy the region.

    2. Copy Region Items - Select Yes or No to determine whether to copy items within this region.

    3. Copy Buttons - Select Yes or No to determine whether to copy buttons within this region.

    4. Click Next.

  5. Click Copy Region.