
About the Application Home Page

To view a specific application, select the application on the Application Builder home page. The Application home page appears. The application ID and the application name display at the top of the page. To link to the application definition, click application name.

The following large icons appear next:

About the Navigation Bar and Create Page Button

A navigation bar and the Create Page button display in the center of the Application home page. You can use these controls to search for pages, alter the page view, or create a page.

Description of bldr_hm_nav.gif follows
Description of the illustration bldr_hm_nav.gif

The Application home page navigation bar contains the following controls:

The Create Page button displays to the right of the navigation bar. Click Create Page to launch a wizard that walks you through creating a page. See "Managing Pages in an Application".

About the Tasks List

A Tasks list displays on the right side of the Application home page.

The Tasks list contains the following links:

Understanding Page Display Alternatives

You can control how the Application home page appears by making a selection from the View list and clicking Go. Available View modes include:

Icons mode (the default) displays each page as a large icon identified by the page name. To view a page, click the icon.

Details mode displays each page as a line in a report. Each line includes the page number, the page name, when the page was last updated, the page type, who updated it, any associated group, and lock status. To view a page, click the page name. Use the Lock icon to prevent conflicts during application development. Click the Run icon to run the associated page and render viewable HTML.

By Group displays currently defined page groups. You can use page groups to organize and manage the pages within an application. See "Grouping Pages".

By Type separates pages into categories, such as Login, Report, Tabular Form, Dynamic Form, Chart, and so on. The number of pages within each page category displays within a parenthesis to the right of the type name. To view a page, click the page type and then the page.

Description of bldr_hm_type_list.gif follows
Description of the illustration bldr_hm_type_list.gif

About the Recent List

The Recent list contains links to recently viewed pages within the current application. This list only appears when viewing the Application home page in Icon mode.