
About Creating SQL Queries for Charts

You define a chart in Application Builder using a wizard. For most chart wizards, you select a chart type and provide a SQL query using the following syntax:

SELECT link, label, value
FROM   ...


For example:

SELECT null, last_name, salary
FROM   employees


Do not change the type of an existing chart. Instead, delete the existing chart and then re-create it.

Dial Chart Syntax

To create a dial chart, select a dial chart type and provide a SQL query using the following syntax:

SELECT value , maximum_value [ ,low_value [ ,high_value] ]
FROM   ...


For example:

SELECT dbms_random.value(500, 1200), 1300, dbms_random.value(100, 200)

Multiple Series Syntax (Flash only)

For column charts and line Flash charts, you can define multiple series in one SQL query. The series names for these chart types are derived from the corresponding column aliases in the query. To define a multiple series Flash chart, use the following syntax:

SELECT link, label, series_1_value [, series_2_value [, ...]]
FROM   ...

Range Chart Syntax (Flash only)

Range charts require two values for each bar. To create a range chart, create a Flash chart and provide a SQL query using the following syntax:

SELECT link, label, low_value, high_value 
FROM   ...

Scatter Chart Syntax (Flash only)

Scatter charts require an x value and y value for each point. To create a range chart, create a Flash chart and provide a SQL query using the following syntax:

SELECT link, label, x_value, y_value 
FROM   ...

Candlestick Chart Syntax (Flash only)

Candlestick charts require open, low, high, and close values for each candlestick. To create a candlestick chart, create a Flash chart and provide a SQL query using the following syntax:

SELECT link, label, open, low, high, close
FROM   ...