
All Object Reports

Use the All Object reports to view objects for the selected schema.

To view the All Object reports:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the Utilities icon.

  2. Click Object Reports.

    The Object Reports page appears.

  3. In the All Object Reports section, select the report you want to view:

    • All Objects - Sort objects by creation date and also last DDL (data definition language).

    • Invalid Objects - View all invalid objects in the database by object type.

    • Object Creation Calendar - View all objects in a calendar format based on the date each database object was created.

    • Object Counts by Type - View the number of database objects by type for the selected schema.

    • Data Dictionary - View the data dictionary for this database.

      An Oracle data dictionary is a set of tables and views used as a read-only reference about the database. For example, a data dictionary stores information about both the logical and physical structure of the database.

      A data dictionary also stores information about valid Oracle database users, integrity constraints for tables in the database, and the amount of space allocated for a schema object and the amount being used.

  4. For All Objects and Invalid Objects reports, you can filter the report:

    1. Select an object type.

    2. Enter an object name.

    3. Click Go.

  5. For the Data Dictionary report, you can query for details about database objects:

    1. Click the Data Dictionary View Name.

      The Data Dictionary Browser appears. Use this page to query the Oracle Data Dictionary for details about database objects.

    2. On the Data Dictionary Browser page, select the specific columns you want to see data for or Check All.

    3. Click Query.

      A report appears.

    4. To begin a new query on the same data dictionary view, click New Query.

    5. To browse another data dictionary view, click Browse Another View.

See Also:

Oracle Database Concepts for information about the data dictionary