
Managing Session State

A session establishes persistence (or stateful behavior) across page views. You can review session details for the current session or for recent sessions. You can also purge the current session state or purge sessions based on their age.


Removing Session State After Reviewing Session Details

You can determine whether to remove existing sessions by first reviewing session details. From the Session Details page, you can then remove the session record or session state.

To view session details and remove session state:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace home page.

  2. Click Manage Services on the Administration list.

    The Manage Services page appears.

  3. Under Session State, click Manage Session State.

  4. Click Recent Sessions with Drill-Down to Session Details.

  5. To narrow the results, select a time frame, specify a user, and click Go.

  6. To view session details, select the session ID.

    The Session Details page appears.

  7. Click one of the following buttons:

    • Remove Session removes the record of the session from the SESSIONS table along with the session state (including collections data) associated with the session.

      Any user using a session that is removed will no longer be able to use the session and will be prompted to re-authenticate upon their next page request (in most situations). This option can be used by administrators who need to ensure a specific user can no longer access an Oracle Application Express application.

    • Remove State clears the session data from the session state tables (including collections data) but does not remove the session record. Removing a session is a good approach for developers during debugging.

      This is the equivalent of clearing session state for the current session using the Clear Cache argument value SESSION in the f?p URL. This option might also be used by developers during debugging.

See Also:

"Debugging an Application" in Oracle Application Express Application Builder User’s Guide

Viewing Session State Details

To view session state for the current or recent sessions:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace home page.

  2. Click Manage Services on the Administration list.

    The Manage Services page appears.

  3. Under Session State, click Manage Session State.

  4. On the Manage Session State page:

    • To view information about the current session, click Report Session State for Current Session. To search for an item in the details, enter the item and click Go.

    • To view a list of recent sessions, click Recent Sessions with Drill-Down to Session Details.

Purging Session State for the Current Session

To purge session state for the current session:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace home page.

  2. Click Manage Services on the Administration list.

    The Manage Services page appears.

  3. Under Session State, click Manage Session State.

  4. On the Manage Session State page, click Purge Session State for Current Session.

  5. From the Purge Session State page:

    • To view information about the current session, click View Session State.

    • To reset the session state for the current session, click Purge Session State.

Purging Sessions by Age

To purge existing sessions by age:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace home page.

  2. Click Manage Services on the Administration list.

    The Manage Services page appears.

  3. Under Session State, click Manage Session State.

  4. Select Purge sessions by Age.

  5. Make a selection from the Sessions older than list.

  6. Click one of the following buttons:

    • Report Sessions generates a report detailing the total number of sessions for the workspace, the number of users, and the number of old sessions.

    • Purge Sessions purges existing sessions by the age you selected.